sábado, 4 de julio de 2009



*************************************************************************** TAREAS: Para buscar la tarea deben ir a la columna de la izquierda y buscar por Sala o Grado, picar y aparecerá la entrada correspondiente a esa sala o curso en particular.

IMPRIMIR: Para imprimir una imagen o una fotografía buscar en la columna de la izquierda e ingresar a la galería de fotos “Photo Album”, seleccionar lo que desean imprimir y listo. Para imprimir una texto pueden seleccionar el texto con el mouse, apretar boton derecho del mismo y seleccionar imprimir del menu desplegable.

EXAMENES INTERNACIONALES: Todos los niños de 3rd form en adelante pueden practicar en casa para los exámenes internacionales, que se realizarán en el mes de Noviembre. Deben buscar en la columna de la izquierda donde dice CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMS Sample Papers y entrar en esa página. Sé abrirá una ventana de la Universidad en la que tienen que buscar el examen que le corresponda de acuerdo al curso, imprimirlo y hacerlo, pueden también bajar el sonido para hacer el LISTENING. 3rd Form STARTERS 4th FormMOVERS 5th FormFLYERS 6th FormKET 7th FormPET A continuación les pasamos las direcciones de correo electrónico de los profesores para que consulten si necesitan.

  1. Miss Silvina: silnor4@hotmail.com
  2. Miss Marcela: marcelareidman@yahoo.com.ar
  3. Miss Natalia 2° Grado: nataliasalandra@hotmail.com
  4. Miss Fernanda: bianferny@yahoo.com.ar
  5. Miss Gabriela 3° Grado: gabrielacetani@hotmail.com
  6. Mr. Leandro: ferreiro_leandro@hotmail.com
  7. Miss Roxana y Miss Marisa: ro.green@live.com
  8. Mr. Delfino: carlacanevaro@hotmail.com
  9. Miss Belen: mabep82@hotmail.com
  10. Miss Juana: consultadetareas09@live.com
  11. Miss Susana: trabajovacaciones@hotmail.com
  12. Miss Aldana: aldanamurtagh@hotmail.com
  13. Miss Antonella: anbaloc@live.com
  14. Miss Flavia Computing: flaviaileana@yahoo.com.ar
  15. Miss Karina: gongorakarina@gmail.com

Estimadas Familias del Green: Los saludamos con mucho afecto y les deseamos que puedan aprovechar estos días para estar en familia y acompañarlos a los niños en el aprendizaje, esperamos al igual que ustedes que esta emergencia pase pronto con el menor daño posible. Aquí estaremos al regreso, esperándolos con alegría, entusiasmo y mucha responsabilidad para recuperar el tiempo y evacuar dudas. Personal Directivo y Docente del GHC

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

7º Grado Homework

Actividades de repaso para 7mo:

Castellano Lengua Libro. Función, propósito y elementos. Libro de Ciencias Sociales: Segunda Presidencia de Juan D. Perón. Matemática. Libro Cáp. 4, paginas 70,71,74,76,77. Completar capitulo 1 Matemática: 1) Capítulo 4 del libro de matemática 2) Resolución págs 70,71,74 (ej 33 y 34),76 (ej 53),77 ( ej 60),78 (ej 7 y 8) 3) Completar el capítulo 1 (excepto págs 23 a 26) Ciencias Naturales: 1) Resolución guía sobre reproducción humana. 2) Completar las actividades de las págs :26, 31, 34, 9 y 37 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>



Page 38: 1,2,3,4,5. Page 39: 6,7,8,9. Page40:2,3,4,5. Page 42:1,2,3,4,5,6 Page 46:1,2,3,4 Page47:1,2,3,4 Page 48:2,3,4,5,6 Page 49: 7,8,9,10,11 Page 50: 1,2,3,4,5,6 Page 51: 7,8,9,10,11 Activate Workbook Unit 3 Complete Unit 4 Complete International Exam. Copies given by the teacher International exam. Leer Instrucutivo Principal!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *************************************** 7th Form:

History Read the pages Nº 23 and 24.

Remember that if there is any word that you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary. Rich and Poor Think of the different groups of people that live in Argentina nowadays, we can say that the society is divided into social classes. Do you know which they are? Can you characterise them? In Elizabeth’s times the society was divided into groups too, which were they? List all the groups or social classes and describe them. Taking into account the previous two activities, can you see any similarity in the groups of people? Any difference? Why poverty was becoming a serious problem in Elizabeth’s reign? What was the difference between: the impotent poor, the idle poor, the sturdy beggars and vagrants? What did the Puritans think of them? What did the government do with the poor? What do you think of the punishments for poor people just for being “poor”? Do you agree with it? In you were in Elizabeth’s place, how would you deal with this problem? How did Elizabeth’s attitude towards the poor change by the end of her reign? How did she try to solve this problem? The Spanish Armada, 1588 When reading the text, you will notice that the author doubts of the objectiveness of the information written in books. This is because when we read only one source of information you just read one point of view of the history. This happens because obviously we weren’t there to see it. Imagine you want to be a historian and you need to solve this problem to know the truth. What would you do? What did the people in Elizabeth’s times think of the defeat of the Spanish Armada? Which new evidence is being found about the Armada that is changing the historians’ usual view about it?

Read and explain with your own words: a. Source A b. Source B It seems that the previous two sources explain some aspects of the same conflict but the information is different. In your opinion, why does it happen?

7th Form: Science

Read pages Nº 20, 21 and 22.

If you find a word that you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary. Activities Rays of light Hot, glowing things give off light. How can a paper give off light if it is not hot and glowing? A wall reflects light. So does a mirror. What difference is there in the way they reflect light? Why does a periscope need two mirrors? What is refraction? Give an example. Why does a beam of light bend when it enters glass at an angle? Why does it not bend if it enters the glass “square on” Spending energy Give an example of something which has: a. Kinetic energy b. Chemical energy c. Potential energy A fire gives out 10 kj of energy. What is this in joules? What type of energy is supplied to a car engine? What happens to this energy? Describe the energy changes which take place when you apply the brakes on a moving cycle. Describe the energy changes which take place when you throw a ball up into the air. Scientists say that energy can “never be destroyed” explain what they mean. Heat on the move Why can the Sun’s heat not reach us by conduction or convection? How does the Sun’s heat reach us? How can a heater warm a room by convection? explain why: Insulating materials often contain trapped air Houses in hot countries are often painted white Kettles are usually silvery or white Why is a Thermos flask good at keeping drinks cold as well as hot? Which are the features that make it possible?

6º Grado Homework

  • Desarrollar completas y prolijas todas las consignas dadas a partir del 30/6, día por día en la carpeta de Lengua.
  • Completar páginas del libro de Lengua: 42, 43, 50, 51, 58 y 59
  • Desarrollar las actividades de Logonauta integrador. Páginas 154 y 155
  • Controlar que todas las actividades de los capitulos del 1 al 4 esten completas
  • Hacer el trabajo practico de lengua correspondiente a la antologia
  • Estudiar los tiempos verbales del modo indicativo. Paginas 151 a 153
  • Desarrollar las 3 guias del área de Ciencias Sociales

Actividades de repaso para 6to: Matemática: 1) Resolución del trabajo práctico de divisibilidad. 2) Capítulo 4 del libro de matemática y páginas 35 a 38. Ciencias Naturales: 1) Resolución individual de actividades integradoras del capítulo 5 y 6 (págs 76 y 77, 91 a 93) 2) Resolución págs 32,33 y 46 a 49,

6th Form: History Assignment Nº2 1. Complete the chart you have in your folder with the correct information about those Empires or kingdoms. 2. The Celts What was the main problem in the Celtic Kingdoms? Which of the three kingdoms (Wales, Ireland or Scotland) was accepted as independent from England? Explain what happened in each of the kingdoms. How did England try to control them? What was the result? 3. The Mongols How did the Mongol Empire begin? Why do you think they decided to invade northern China and then sweep eastward? Why did the leader, Genghis, make laws for every people that remained alive in each of the places they conquered? What happened with China and Japan? When did the Empire start to decay? What do you think was the factor/s that helped to make it decay? What were Tamerlane’s achievements? Were they enough to give continuity to the Empire? 4. The Turks What did the Seljuks do every time they gained a new land? Which important war did they start in the Middle Ages? Why? Explain the end of the Seljuks. Once the Seljuks finished being the rulers, which country remained unconquered? What happened with that country? What would have happened if the Mongols have conquered all Seljuik’s lands? Which important Empire did the Ottomans make fall? How? Booklet: page Nº 58 and 59 The rise of the Russians Read the text carefully and if you find a word that you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary. Activities 1. Answer the following questions. a. Which group of people was living in the area now known as Russia? And which group invaded them? b. Who were the Vikings? c. Choose one of the following items about the Vikings and explain it with your own words. ¬ Daily life (Viking homes, farm life and crafts) ¬ Beliefs and customs (Death and burial, Viking feasts and “Valhalla”) d. What was the origin of the name “Russian”? e. When did the Russians start their rise? f. Why was Vladimir made a saint? What did he believe? g. Who was Yaroslaw? What did he do to make Kiev a powerful and rich city? 2. Complete the text with the missing words. During Yaroslav’s reign, the city of _____________ became very powerful as a result of his improvements. But unfortunately, the rulers that followed him were weak and couldn’t resist the ____________ invasions. They were known as _____________ in Russia. These tribes not only captured Kiev, but also created a new _______________ called ________________________________________. In addition to this, the Tartars made the ___________ rulers pay a ______________ which consisted of large amounts of money. This was the situation in the south, but in the ____________ was different. The leader of the Russian army was _______________ who defeated the _____________ and the _____________ invaders. The battle took place on the banks of the Neva and the leader was considered a hero. So later, he was called _______________ because of his victory. 3. Read again these titles: The Growth of Moscow; The Tartans weaken and Ivan the Great. Then make a chart in order to summarise and relate these topics using the most relevant information.



6th Form - Assignment Nº1: Science This assignment is about the topics we have studied in class. If you have a doubt you can read again the pages Nº 20, 21 and 22. Remember to read all the paragraphs even those ones that are smaller, because some activities could be about the information explained there. Match the following sentences (using the letters) · The Solar System ___ · The Sun ___ · The only star in the Solar system ___ · The nine planets ___ · The two motions ___ a. is the sun, this is the source of all the system’s light and heat. b. is made up of the sun, the planets and all the objects that orbit it. c. have two movements around the sun. d. is the heaviest and hottest body in our Solar System. e. are Rotation and Revolution. Explain the two movements of the Planets: a. Rotation b. Revolution Explain what they are: a. Asteroids b. Comets c. Meteoroids What happens if a comet comes close to Earth? Do you know any Famous Comet? What makes the planets follow their orbit? Imagine… What would happen if the planets didn’t follow a specific orbit and were travelling freely in the space? Multiple Choice: The Planets. Select the correct option. · The planet that doesn’t have atmosphere is a. Pluto b. Jupiter c. Mercury · The biggest planet is a. Jupiter b. Earth c. Mars · The second planet most dense is a. Neptune b. Mercury c. Uranus · Venus’ clouds are yellow because of a. Helium b. Hydrogen c. Sulfur The Sun: choose one option and write a paragraph explaining it with your own words. a. The Sun’s characteristics b. Nuclear Fusion – Radiation c. Sunspots – Flares Investigate: Why can be harmful the people’s exposure to the sunlight? What problems can cause it to the skin? How can we prevent it?



Objective KET. Student's Book. Unit 5.

Page 32 act. 1. Read the "Grammar extra" Chart. Do act.

Page 33 Act. 7, 8 and 9

Page 34 Act. 2 and 3

Page 35 Act. 4, 5, 6 and 7

Choose an endanger animal and write a passage about it. Use the text from page 34 as a reference. (Remember to use because, but, and, on, etc.)

Page 36 and 37. Complete

Workbook pages 12 and 13 complete

Internatinal Exam. Leer Instructivo Principal.

5º Grado Homework

5° Grado Castellano Libro de Lengua. Textos informativos. Expositivos. Fotocopias. Historia del Chocolate. Antología Libro de cuentos . Leer los 5 Cuentos de Senderos de terror. Escribir en 3 o 4 oraciones: Situacion Inicial, nudo y final. ¿Cuál Te gusta más? ¿Cuales conoces o leíste? Ciencias Sociales. Manuel Belgrano Capitulo 3 Paginas 32 a 43 Matemática. Fotocopia MCM DCM. Criterios de divisibilidad Ciencias naturales. Capitulo 4 Pagina 44 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< English Language Fun For Flyers: Pages 13, 14(A), 16 (A), 17 (A,B), 18(A,B), 19 (A,B, C), 20 (A), 21(A,B), 22, 23 (A,B, C), 24(A,B), 25 (A,B), 26 (A,B, C), 29 (A,B, C), 30 (A,B, C,D ). Sky, Student’s book: pages 20, 21,22,23 to 27 History
  1. Read in the booklet about the founding of Rome and the grouth of Rome
  2. Find Information about these topics and choose one aspect to describe

Land of the Latins a. Crops b. landscape c.everyday life

Myths and Legends a. Aeneas away from Troy b. Aeneas descendants c Grown up boys

The Sabine Women a. Shortage of women b. Groups of people on the Italian Peninsula

The Etruscans a. Their influence b. Civilization

the Kings of Rome a. RulersChoosing b. The Etruscan traders.

Find a word for each definition . Booklet Founding of Rome

  1. River mentioned
  2. Person from Rome
  3. Great in latin
  4. People with great influence on Early Rome
  5. Language
  6. Area where the Latin lived
  7. They came to Rome as there was a shortage of women
  8. This civilization dominated the south of italian Peninsula
  9. The twins were left here to set afloat
  10. Sabine women were invited to one of these festivals
  11. The twins were left by a relative in the river
  12. Etruscans painted them on their tombs

4º Grado Homework

4° Grado Castellano Libro de lengua: Paginas 29, 34, 35, 38 y 39 Ciencias Sociales: Manuel Belgrano Matemática: Fotocopias- Multiplicación, División, Propiedades de las cuatro operaciones Ciencias Naturales: Los Metales __________________________________________________________________ English
Fun for Movers:
Pages: 6A-B/7A-B/8A-B-C/9A-B-C/10 A-B/11A/12A/14A-B/15A-C/16A/17A-D/19A-C/20B/21 A-B-C/
SKY student's book. Pages 18(1,2)/19(3,5,6,8)/20(1)/21(2c,4,5b)/22(1,2,3,4) 23(5,6,9)/ 24(1,2)/25(5,6,8)/ 26(1,2)/ 27(4, 8)
SKY activity book. Pages 16(1a, 1b,2a)/17 (2b,2c,2d)/18(1,2)/19(3,5,7)/20(1,2,3)/21(4,5,6,79/22(1a, 1b,2a)/23(2b,3a)/24(1,2a,2b)/25(3a,3b,3c)
International Exam: Leer Instructivo principal.
Natural Science Think of an object that gives you information. You cannot see it but it is: 1. Hard, soft, green or black, cold, painless 2. Round, soft, you can play with it, not heavy. 3. It’s hard, rough; you can eat it, tasty. Which object is describes in n° 1/2/3? Think of possible answers. Exploring time. Follow instructions. 1. Put together 2 pencils of a similar size. Point them in the same direction. Attach them together with adhesive tape. 2. Ask a friend to close eyes. Touch his/her forearm with 2 pencil-points. Make sure you touch your friend with both points at the same time. Ask how many points he feels. 3. Repeat on the tip pf his thumb. 4. What is your friend’s answer in each experiment? When was it correct? When was it incorrect? 5. How is the skin of your forearm and of your fingers different? Investigate and try this experiment. Then answer the questions 1. Sit in a room with lots of light for 2 minutes. 2. Keep one eye closed without pressing on it. Keep the other open. 3. Look into a mirror. Open the closed eye. Answer 1. Which part of the eye changes? 2. What does this part look like in the closed eye? 3. And in the open eye? 4. What does this experiment tell us about the relationship between light and eyes?
  • Vocabulary. Sweat goes out through them: The nerves carry information to this place: Blood vessels and nerve endings are in this layer Information when the object is cold or hot: It’s a sensation when I touch: It’s the organ to discover sweet and sour things: It’s the largest organ for touch: They gather information and carry it to the brain: We have an upper one and a lower one near the eye: It controls how much light enters through the eye

3º Grado Homework

Castellano. Área de Matemática. Capitulo 6 Cifra A Pagina 27 puntos 1 y 2 Pagina 28, puntos 3 y 4 Pagina 29, puntos 5, 6 y 7 Pagina 30, punto 8 Pagina 31, puntos 9, 10, 11 y 12 Pagina 32, puntos 13, 14, 15 y 16 Área de Lengua: Las tareas se realizan en hoja aparte rayada nº 3, con ayuda del libro "El mundo de Anastacio" A) Pega la guia de trabajo en 1 hoja rayada con nombre y apellido. Dejá un renglón entre cada respuesta B) Responde:
  1. ¿Cual es el titulo del libro?
  2. ¿Quien es el autor?
  3. ¿Cual es la editorial y cuantas paginas tiene?
  4. ¿Quienes son los personajes?
  5. Elegí un PERSONAJE y dibuja.
  6. ¿Cual es el MUNDO DE ANASTACIO?
  7. Elegí UN MUNDO y dibujalo.
  8. Escribí los títulos de los capítulos.
  9. Subraya y transcribí: 4 verbos, 2 sustantivos propios, 4 sustantivos comunes y 4 adjetivos.
  10. De la pagina 10 transcribí en LETRA CURSIVA el párrafo desde "Anastacio hasta frío"

C) Lee "Anastacio y Rigoberta" y responde.

  1. ¿En que estación del año ocurre la historia?
  2. ¿A donde fueron Anastacio y su papá? ¿Para que?
  3. ¿Que le ocurrió a Anastacio?
  4. ¿A quien vio cuando se recupero?
  5. ¿Como era Rigoberta? Describila.
  6. ¿Que deporte le gusta hacer a Anastacio?
  7. ¿Que saco Rigoberta de la campera?
  8. ¿Por que Anastacio " no podía dejar de pensar en la bolita?
  9. ¿A vos te parece que la bolita puede ser mágica?
  10. ¿Piensas que hay objetos mágicos? Si-No ¿Por qué?

Te quiero mucho, Cuidate , Seño Gabriela.




Student Book. Read and Complete Pages: 26, 27, 28 and 31

Workbook. Pages: 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 and 29

Reader: Page 27

Fun For Starters. Pages: 14,15,16,18 and 20


History: Read and look up new words. Pages: 73 and 74

Science: Read and look up new words. Pages 56 and 58

Maths: pages 1,2 and 3

2º Grado Homework

  • Castellano Lectura y Comprensión. Leer atentamente el libro de lectura ¡Qué historia con la vaca1 Para poder responder las siguientes preguntas deberán leer los capítulos (Episodios) 1-2-3-4 Las respuestas deberán estar escritas en la hoja que se adjunta en el cuaderno de comunicaciones. (dejar la hoja adentro del cuaderno) Chicos: Por favor no leer los otros capítulos, porque los vamos a trabajar en clase Episodio 1: a. Realizar un listado con los animales que se hacen presentes en este capitulo. b. ¿Que le hizoHuaca a las demás vacas para que se parezcan a ella? c. ¿ Quien es Pichon Ribera? d. ¿ Donde se encontraba el mapa? Episodio 2: a. ¿Porque Huaca estaba muy preocupada? b. ¿ Quien ayudó a Huaca mirarse en el espejo? Episodio 3: a. Para vos ¿Que es una isla? b. ¿Que le paso a Huaca cuando subió al camalote? c. Huaca y sus amigos ¿A quienes fueron a pedir ayuda? d. ¿Cuantas ranas estaban ayudando a Huaca para que aprenda A nadar? Episodio 4: a. ¿Te gusta viajar con la imanación? ¿Por que? b. Escribí algunos consejos que le dan a Huaca, la ardilla y el ratón. Ilustrar a Huaca la vaca y a su amigo Pichon Ribera. Actividades de los libros: Área de lengua Libro Huaca la Vaca: paginas 64/92/176 Fotocopia (Lectura y comprensión de texto)
  • Realizar la ficha n°28 (9 de Julio) Área de Matemática. Libro Cifras: Paginas 70/71/79 Libro Cifra de Actividades Nº 2: Paginas 8/9/11/12/13 Fotocopia (Ejercitación) Cuando nos reintegremos no olvidar traer al colegio los libros y los cuadernos. Las evaluaciones Bimestrales se tomaran al regreso del receso escolar. Besos Nati


Les envio la tarea para completar durante este receso:

Backpack 2 Student's book. Units 3 and 4

Backpack 2 Workbook. Units 3 (Complete), 4 ( Complete) and 5Pages: 41,42,43,44,45,46 and 48.

Topics for revision

Family: mother. father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousins.

Rooms of the house: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room.

Prepositions: next to, between, on the corner, in.

Shops: toy shop, shoe shop, video shop, music shop, greengrocer, rstaurant, police station, fire station, computer store, bookshop, cinema, bank, bus station.


Miss Fernanda

1º Grado Homework

Tanto en castellano como en Inglés tienen actividades en los cuadernos
Castellano Lengua: Completar cuaderno - Grafito 1 páginas 58 y 59 Matematica: Completar cuaderno- Actividades 2 páginas 17 y 18 La seño Silvina copio absolutamente todo en los cuadernos de los niños. English Page 44 *The Fun House! (Story) After reading: (Oral) Where is the boy? What is the girl wearing? What is the boy wearing? Is the shirt big? Are the shoes big? Who is the boy in the mirror? Page 49 Instructions: 1- She is wearing a white jacket. 2- He is wearing a black shirt and blue trousers. 3- She is wearing a pink hat and a pink dress. 4- He is wearing a brown hat. 5- There are two red sweaters. 6- There is one purple sock. Workbook *Page36. (After reading The Fun House) *Page 37 *Page 38. Instructions: 1- She is wearing an orange jacket. 2- She is wearing a yellow t-shirt. 3- She is wearing a red skirt. 4- She is wearing pink socks. 5- She is wearing white trainers. 6- He is wearing a green hat. 7- He is wearing a blue sweater. 8- He is wearing brown trousers. 9- He is wearing black and white trainers. Actividades que pueden copiar o escanear.

Preschool B Homework

Castellano Fotocopias Libro Páginas: 14-18-24-66-55-127 English IDEM PRESCHOOL A

Preschool A Homework

Castellano Fotocopias Libro páginas: 144-96-14-18-24-66-55 English Backpack Page 38. What's the weather like today?. Point and say. Clothes. What are they doing? Backpack Pages 2 and 3.Review School Objects. Play a game " Show me a ..." Backpack Page 40 Act. 3 and 4. Vocabulary about shapes. Backpack Pages 14 and 15. Review family members.Point and Say. What are they doing?. Letterland Review. C,A,D,H,T,M,S. Word formation and Drawing: SAD-MAD-DAD-HAT-MAT-CAT. Backpack Page 41. Count, write and say. Colours, clothes and numbers. Backpack Page 16. Review Parts of the house. Listen and Point. Members of the family. Backpack page 42. Cut, glue and say. Backpack Page 43. Draw your favourite clothes. Backpack Page 26. Review parts of the body. Listen point and say. Sing any song about body parts. Backpack Page 45. cut the story. Read. Draw your favoutrite part of the story. Backpack Page 49. Play a game! Bingo

Kinder 4 Homework

Castellano Cuerpo Humano/Esqueleto. Grafismo-libro Oso Pepe. Fotocopias- Circulo, cuadrado, triangulo. Afianzar el Nº y la cantidad del 1 al 10 English Revision Body parts. Face Shapes: Circle, square, rectangle, triangle. Clothes. Vocabulary Units 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Kinder 3 Homework

Castellano e Inglés El cuerpo humano. Partes. Reconocimiento. Figura humana. Dibujar a partir de la cabeza. Partes de la casa. El baño, reconocer los objetos del mismo. Nombrarlos