Hola, les queríamos contar que "Los Conejitos" de Kinder 2 ya terminamos la adaptación y seguimos disfrutando de un montón de actividades: Jugamos con distintas masas, dibujamos Bailamos y nos expresamos con elementos Aprendemos canciones y nos estamos conociendo de a poquito. Hasta la próxima...
Hello people!! We´re back with some news to tell you!!. Are you ready??…here we go!!
This week we began to work with our books:
* MANCHA where we´ve been learning about this bunny and his family. We listened to a story of Mancha who loves carrot´s candies! And we´ve already made two drawings in our book!!!
* My first English Adventure where Pluto, our puppet, introduced Mickey the wizard who sang us a chant about colors and we loved it!! Then we´ve played a game with colors green, red, blue and yellow. After that we´ve beeb coloring in our book, it was so funny!!!!
Of course we´ve played in the house, building and library corners! To end this news we leave an English song for you:
There´s a little monkey sitting on a tree,
Come little monkey, come and play with me!
(Repeat it twice)
See you next week with more news…

Hello!! We have just started working with our book BACKPACK, and we love it!
We have also been playing charades with a lot of actions.
Excellent for Adri, You are working really hard!!!
See you soon with more news!!
2nd Form and Miss Fer
We have been working with colours and singing animal songs. But the most important thing that happened these days was that we received a letter from LETTERLAND inhabitants, and they told us that it is our turn to meet them. So…we are very excited and waiting for the news!!!!
Preschool and Miss Agus
More funny dialogues from 1st form
· The teacher was writing on the board when Adrian called her: -“Miss” “ Miss” and she replied: “Yes, honey” Adri answered in amazement: “Yo no soy honey, soy Adrian”
· The teacher was kissing goodbye the class when Joaquin told her: “Bye, honey”
Interesting History facts from 4th and 5th form
· Did you know that in the ancient world the WHEEL meant the possibility of traveling from one place to the other? This helped many civilizations to find their place in this world.
· Did you know that there is a road in London that was built by the Romans in the year 200 and it is still intact? This shows how good builders the Romans were.
Clocks are all Around!
3rd Form is not going to be late any more!! From now on we will be always on time because this week we have learnt how to tell the time.
These are some of our comments: “Telling the time is awesome” Ignacio C.
“It is funny and interesting” Anush G.