lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Green Highland is Going Green!!!

Green Highland is getting ready for the Annual Book Fair!
The topic this year will be ecology and we have invented some songs to start the campaign!
Green Highland College is going GREEN!! Ecology campaign PRESCHOOL You be careful! When you eat When you eat Don’t throw the papers On the street Take care of the Plants and the trees
1ST FORM It’s time to help some animals We can help them to live We love tigers and pumas And they are friends in need Tortoises can’t live in a house Because they are so few Panda bears and gorillas too Want to live outside the zoo So many animals say That they need our help And we promise to them That we are going to work
2ND FORM Together, together everyone Together, together everyone Come on let’s do this right We can help to keep clean our water From rivers and from seas Recycling paper you save our planet Please cut down our trees
3RD FORM I don’t like staying at home, because I prefer going out There I can do many hundred different things Playing outside is the best activity I can do And when I go to the park There I can ride a bike Play different sports or Fly a kite And if I go far away I love fishing in that place Sleeping in a tent Or sailing in a lake
4TH FORM More then hugging a tree 20 people, boys and girls Minds are working, find a place! Trees are growing, we’re like twigs Flowers blossom, we are green! Days go by, we learn to play Nights to rest, have fun next day School is fun, science we learn Learn, play, learn, life itself!! So it’s more than hugging a tree Friends share good times indeed, September is coming soon… We are turning green!!
5TH FORM S.O.S Uuhh!!! The World needs S.O.S Do not contaminate Don’t cut the plants and trees Uuhh!!! Don’t hunt animals! Let’s protect the air Let’s give it another chance or Will we go on blind? We can do it once It’s the earth that needs our help!!
6TH AND 7TH FORM Save Ecology Now Before the world was a forest And now is a big, big garbage We can make a difference Come on try much harder Save the ecology now!! Or greenpeace will come and catch you But I won’t throw the trash to the floor, Yeah, yeah, no more I feel it now Save the ecology now!! You just have to planta atree and Take care of your world and Nothing is gonna stop us to save the world I know it will thank you some day The earth needs your help. So …